A rich brother and sister are crazed killers. She lures men into her bed, and he attacks them and murders them. A detective is assigned to find the killers and bring them in.
更新信息: 更新至21集
评分: 8.7
上映日期: 2011-06-14
导演: 亚尼斯·斯玛拉迪斯
演员表: Susan J. Jacks, Jing Fang, 欧孟军, 弗拉基米尔·卡什普尔, Daniela Santiago, 塔蒂安娜·伊格纳斯亚克, 周晨
类型: 韩国综艺, 古装
语言: 马其顿语
地区: 荷兰 Netherland